Tuesday, January 13, 2009

suMmer Practicum(April-May 2008)
ay kakapuie ani uie.. as in
we had field works s fishpond..
gGgrrr. kapuy kaau magbuhat ug mudbLocks..
muscle pains and back aches jud labas namu..
amidst the torturing heat of the sun,..ha'ay.. work japun mi..
waLay snacks sir??
hehehe.. so kuripot pah jud amuh pRacticum adviser..aguuUy
pasmoh mga craving worms s amuh beLLies..wehehehe
nganung nag-aquaculture????
(from left: Jackielou, Arianne, aqOoOOh:-), Gracia and JohneLyn)
asa mga boYz??
nagbanlaw pah cguroh s CR..hehehe

aw...naa ra d i mi tanan..hehehe
mga pasaway..
hahay pRacticum Life...
Kapuy peroh enjoy

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