by: Mary Grace S. Cagay
Senator Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III finally declared running for presidency in the 2010 Elections to (according to him) continue the fight of his parents and unite the country against an unpopular but well-entrenched administration. But the question is, “Is crossing the Rubicon the best move to untie the Gordian knot?”
Viewed as a reluctant candidate, Aquino faces the challenge of proving he is worthy of, or beter than his parents’ legacy. Most people believe that the legacy of Nonoy’s parents makes him stand out from the rest of the presidentiables. Aren’t we asking ourselves, “Will the legacy of the late Aquinos be the goal of Noynoy?”
Benito Lim, a political analyst and a professor at the Ateneo de Manila University, identified the Aquino legacy as the dispute at Hacienda Luisita in Tarlac, the alleged graft and corruption during Cory Aquino’s term, the numerous coup d’ etats and brownouts during those times. These and other looming obstacles are just around the corner. Aquino is left with the challenge of laying down platforms that would be appealing to the electorate. What will be those?
Riding on the present state of affairs is the scenario of Noynoy’s declaration of candidacy. The “kasikatan” or popularity of his parents persuaded him to vie for the highest position even changing the course of the presidential race. How I wish my parents are popular these days!
What has Noynoy to offer to the Filipino people besides being the anointed one of the elite, civil society, bishops and nuns? We have never heard of any significant piece of legislation he authored in all his years as a Congressman and Senator. What more if he becomes the president of the Republic of the Philippines? Doesn’t he know that the race is wilder than white water rafting?
Suppose Cory Aquino is still alive, do you think Noynoy would still run for presidency? Definitely no! He will never win if he dares! As for this flash, the euphoria over the yellow fever is still on fire. Who knows, tomorrow it might fade?
The very emotion that struck me in this issue is the 6-letter word APATHY. Would I care? If we only just try to be vigilant to the smorgasbord of issues concerning the entire Philippine populace, only then could we realize our vital roles as part of the electorate. The political fray clutches the flesh of our very own Philippines which demands a violent rooting out. Let’s be responsible enough.
Its been quite a while
15 years ago
hmmmmmmm ehem
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