by: bryco B. Nanol
We, students are fond of making friends to anyone; friends from various places with diverse personalities. But in school, we have our buddies who help us in educational matters-our teachers.
Teachers are lifelines of any academic institution with different packages. They are usually categorized according to the type of teachings to the students; first, “Ghost/Absentee teacher”. Most of us love them because we rarely see them in school. They are always either late or absent from their classes. But miraculously, majority of their students pass. These teachers are not fond of giving quizzes but the disadvantage is we have the lesser chance to redeem ourselves to the entire semester. My advice is, if you have this kind of teacher, better do a self-study! Always prepare for his surprise. They will scare you like ghost in her midterm and final examinations because of the items which have never been discussed in the class. That’s because they’re gone half the entire semester. Second is, “The Cool Teacher”. These are fresh graduate teachers with the same line of thinking with their students. They become our buddies outside the school but it has also his limitations inside the classroom. Leave the jokes outside. Third we have “The Dartboard Teacher”. These are teachers who are fond of giving quizzes and recitations. They have been absent and always on time in the class. When it comes to recitation, no matter how hard you’ve studied for it, you’ll go crazy! Now, here comes the release of grades. You become dumbfounded because your grades seem just “dartboard” because you don’t know how it was computed. Beware of Dartboard Teachers! Fourth, “Inspirational Teacher”. If you have this kind of teacher, dude you’re lucky! Not everyone can meet this kind of teachers who are experts in their field and institutionalized. They spout wisdom when they speak. You’ll surely love this kind of teacher. How would you identify an inspirational teacher? They usually have a good reputation among other batches and you know one when you meet one. They become more than just a teacher. After the semester, they will become your mentor and friend for the rest of your life. Fifth, “The Terror Teacher”. This kind of teacher is everyone’s nightmare! They are super strict with the attendance and proper use of school uniforms. Yes, unfortunately we still have this kind of teacher in our college. They are the type of teacher who will make you turn around and run opposite direction. But don’t be suck up! Of all things, terror teachers hates student pet. Just do your job as student and you will have a pleasant teacher-student relationship. At least, it will not be forever. Secretly, everyone loves and thanks terror teacher by the time we graduate because he instills in us discipline we badly needed to survive college. And lastly,” The Bookworm Teacher”. From the label itself, this teacher is known to have memorized the book that he has been using for a decade since they started teaching. So, if you encounter this kind of teacher, you can lead notes or old test papers from the passé batches. (hehehe…)Surely the examination questions are just being recycled. But if you want to maximize your learning experience with this teacher, do some extra reading. It’s better to have other references in this progressing world of ours.
Its been quite a while
15 years ago
hahah student life :) those memories
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